21 MAY 1937, Page 34

Sunfinders (Witherby, its. 6d.) will be of especial interest and

value to those who have the liberty, means and enter- prise to spend most of their time sailing. Mrs. Jameson, the author, and her husband lived in their boat for seven years and an enviable life it seems to have been. The information they give should enable anybody so inclined to do the same. Mr. Jameson, retired manager of an Indian tea estate, wisely took a course in navigation before setting up house in a 36 ft. motor cruiser, and later in a 42 ft. converted naval pinnace. Mrs. Jameson carefully and in complete detail traces the course of their yearly trips through the canals and rivers of France, to the Meditertanean and back. Three routes through France are de- scribed as well as the best cruising waters of the south and west coasts of France, the Belgian coast and water- ways, le English coast between Exeter and Yarmouth, the Broads, the Grand Union Canal and the Thames. The usefulness of this book is greatly en- hanced by the maps, diagrams, official foreign travel information and lists and prices of equipment, all checked and brought up to date.