21 NOVEMBER 1829, Page 13


BiRTITS.-On the 14th inst. in Upper Grosvenor-street, the Lady of Sir James Fitz- gerald, Bart. of a daughter-At Normanby, Lady Sheffield, of a son-On the 17th inst. at Coolhurst, near Horsham, Sussex, the Lady of Arthur Chichester, Esq. M.P. of a son - Lately, at !!dare, in the county of Limerick, the Countess of Dunraven, of is son. Martel:amis.-On the 7th inst. the Rev. E. B. Ramsay, of St. John's Chapel, Edin- burgh, to Isabella, daughter of the late Hon. Thomas Com- ran, of Halifax, Nova Scotia -On the 17th inst. John Dunlop, Esq. of the Grenadier Regiment et' Foot Guards, eldest son of Lieut-Gen. Donlap, of Dunlop mid Southwick, North Braid/I, to Charlotte Con- stance Jackson, younger (laughter of .Majoi-Gen. Sir Richard Downes Jackson, E.C.11. -On the 9th July last, at St. George'. church, Madras, East Indies, by the Veneroble the Archdeacon of that Presidency, Ricl:ard Fraser Lewis, Esq. Marister at lair, and Master of H. M. Crown Office there, to Fanny Cleveland, second daughter of George Peter Tyler, Esq. of the Hon. Company's Civil Service, niece to Admiral Sir Charles Tyler, E.C.B. and Sir William Wynne, and great grand daughter of Aline, Baroness Deere, the eighteenth in descent who succeeded to that ancient and illustrious peerage

- At Stoke Giflarcl. the seat of her father, the Duke of Beaufort, Major-General Orde, to Lady Elizabeth O'Bryen, widow of Lord Edward O'Bryen.

DEATIIS.—On the 12th inst. in the 04th year of his age, the Hon. John Coventry, se coed son of the late, and 'brother of the present, Earl of Coventry-On the !11th inst.

Lady Harrington, wife of Sir Fitzwiiliam Harrington, Bart, of Swainston, in the Isle of

Wight-On the 14th inst. aged 18, after a lethargic attack of thirty-eight hours duration, Sarah, eldest daughter of Mr. Thomas Hutchinson, of Nottingham-At Nice, in the 19th year of her age, Lady Emily Caulfield, only surviving child of the Earl and Coun- tess of Charlemont.