21 NOVEMBER 1835, Page 9

The magnificent novelty at Drury Lane throws all lesser attractions

into the shade : and we gladly avail ourselves of this excuse for saying nothing about the Mill cf Berezina, a musical melodrama produced at Covent Garden on Saturday. OSBALDISTON has appeared as Rolla, Virginius, and Rob Roy, during the week. The Rent Day has been revived, with G. BENNETT as Martin Heywood, Mrs. WEST as Rachel, and a Miss WYssnitast as Polly Briggs. The young debutante is de- scribed as handsome and talented; we shall be happy to confirm this fa- vourable report. H. Wisetacx, played his original part of Silver Jack —the perfection of slang assumption of gentility and native villany : and he has also taken the part of Paul Clifford, in place of COLLINS, the vocalist, who has been absent from some cause. 1Vataasca leaves out the songs of course. A new three-act comedy, called The Inheritance, which is said to he JERROLD'S, is announced for next week. Some fresh attraction is needed ; for cheapness alone does not fill the theatre, and the fascina- tions of the Jewess at the other house are irresistible.