21 NOVEMBER 1840, Page 1

The Provisional Regency et' Spain have issued a number of

decrees tbr regulating the finances, and for ofeeting various changes in the official departments. One of the decrees commands, that trout the 1st of the present month all the receipts of the nation, without exception, shall be centralized in the public treasury, and that ell special administrations shall he abolished, whatever limy be their nature or origin. 'lids is especially directed against the Provincial Juntas ; which it was expected would dissolve themselves without opposition. That of Cadiz had already yielded to the injunctions of the Regency : some of the other towns show signs of disobedience. The Infante Don FRANCISCO ANTONIO has fol- lowed up his manifesto to the Spanish nation by a paper addressed to the Regency, declaring his right to the guardianship of his niece the infant Queen, and expressing anxiety to assume that guardianship without delay, for the sake of the national welfare and the friend- ship he entertains for the daughter of his brother. The Regency informed his Royal Ilighness, that the matter "being of the highest importance," it had been submitted to the Supreme Tribunal of Justice, and that the result of their deliberations would be com- municated to him in due time. This is understood as merely a civil refusal. The young Queen is represented as very miserable among her new associates, and continually crying.