21 NOVEMBER 1840, Page 5

The London Gazelle of Tuesday contained official despatches from Admiral

Stopt'ord, describing the movements of the Allied. troops on the coast of Syria, already noticed in private communications to the English newspapers. The latest date is the 22d October, from Beyrout. The description by Commodore Napier of the unsuccessful attaek made by the Turks and English marines under his command, on the strong position occupied by Ibrahim Pasha on the mottutains near Beyroot, will be read with interest. The command of the Turkish troops hurl been given by the Sultan to Sir Charles Smith; whojoined the squadron off Beyrout on the 9th October ; but as the marsh of the Turkish troeps to attack Ibrahim Pasha h." then begun, he did not interfere in tine operations, but left the undivided Ito our to the Commodore. it appears from the official accounts, that I3eyrout was llllllllllllll on the night of the 9th October ; the Egyptians having lent hehiud them their tents and twenty-six field. pieces. On the same thy, 2,001 Egyptians came in with their arms and surrenderea. As the of of the attack on lbrahint Pasha's position was to effect the evacuation of Beyrout, orders -were sent to Commodore Napier to fall back : bat, finding him- self unexpectedly in the presence of Ibrehim's troops, he could not do this without risk : therefore the attack took place which lie describes as follows- " Powerful: lido:mi.. if rc. Lt:110..t.il,er lc 39.

"Sir—After the great advantages gained by the Emir Ikeliir (latent

Pasha at Mamba, it became necessary ii,move on Solyman Pasha, km, and obtain possesion of Beyrout. I, in conSellaell(T, directed the Emir Bechir to join me on the heights of Ornsehojonen on the toli iestant ; and on the 5th, General Jochmus in:ached with four battalions; and was followed the day ;trier by the Arab battalion, composed of the Turkish and Elyptian deserters.

"On the 9th, two steam-boats anchored ht sf. tieorge's llov, with :t Tiirlthb and marine battalion ready to disembark when necessary ; and at nine in the morning I arrived IM the heights, ;111,1 foilO,1 that our papiets had been driven in by an enemy we did not expect in that onartee.

"A Turkish battalion, and the mouutaineers, sent them hack; and. on reconnoitering, 1 found, to my surprise, between two and three thous:ma men in a position that appeared unassailable. "No time was to be lest, as the deserters assured me they expected a reinforcement of two thousand men the next morning.

" My own position was strong, being on a long narrow range of hill; my right protected hy a deep gorge, at the bend of which the hills on which l was pasted, after a considerable descent, tuned off to the right. '.fhiis part of the hilt the enemy occupied in force, amongst rugged and t■:,Itre:11!■- itt.teet rocks. A road considerably helow the top of the monetain wound romed it ; above the first position there was a second still stronger, and a0 re that again a third.

" In the course of the day I learned that the Emir Beehir had crossed Duty River, and arrived at Beskintec in the enemy's rear.

" I desired him to continue his march; and I directed Omar Bey, who been left with four battalions in our lines, to march at night with two on Ar-

gostoun, descend into the deep gorge of Dog River with great caution and secrecy, and cross over to Beektilza in the rear of the enemy, aed effect a Junction with the Emir Bechir. This movement was executed with great skill by Omar Bey, and about two o'clock we were delighted to hear a liring in the enemy's rear. By this time the other two Turkish battalions, who were or- dered from our lines, were in sight, and another that I Lad tressed over the gorge on our right was rapidly advancing on the enemy's left. All being pre- pared to the best of my ability, I directed the armed peasantry to throw them- selves among the rocks and advance on the enemy ; and two Turkish batta- lions and the Arab were held in readiness to march along the winding road. The peasantry took a long circuit on the enemy's left, and advanced unseen to the heights without firing a shot. A Turkish battalion now advanced en tiruilleur in front; which they did with caution, but great gallantry, under a very heavy fire, and as they advanced they unexpectedly found much good cover under the rocks.

" A second battalion was directed to advance along the road in columns, headed by General .Tochmus; but they broke into skirmishing-parties. The Arid) battalion was then advanced up in columns; but they also broke into skir- mishers, :tad the whole advanced with so much rapidity that 1 thought it best to keep my last battalion in reserve, to cover their retreat in case of disaster. This was a most anxious time, for our success depended on the steadiness of the Turks when they came in contact with the enemy on the top of the bill; but it was soon over : the moment the kill was crowned the firing ceased, and the Egyptians lead down their arms.

" The reserve was now brought up, and the battalion which had crossed the gorge was making great progress on the enemy's left. A heresy fire was kept up from the second pesition, and I succeeded in getting the troops to make a second attack. The example of Selitn Pasha, Generahlochmus, and the Turkish officers, who all behaved well, brought them up again; and in less than halt an hour it became a complete rout, the enemy leaving all their baggage, ammunition, and provisions in the second position. " Night put an end to the pursuit : Ibrahim Pasha, who commanded, escaped with a few men; and the rest dispersed, leaving between six and seven hundred prisoners. " On the heights, at the end of the battle, our Arab battalion, seeing a force coming forward, took them for the enemy, and placed themselves in position under a wall that bad been throe n up to resist Omar Bey : he, on the other hand, took them fbr the enemy. and a sharp lire was opened on both sides. Jo however, arrived in time to prevent inischief, which might have been serious. " A green Turkish standard was taken.

" I have not been able to get the returns, of the hilted and wounded, but believe it to be under fifty ; that of the en -ma., from their position, must have been less.

" The first effect of our forward movements, as you already row, has been the evacuation of Be; rout cli,ct of our tictory over the entire disorganization and submission of the army of Pasim, to die amount of nearly 3,000 men, :mil the wlmle of his -artillery and stores.

" I landed. at the 10:11 of September, with theormy you did me the honour of putting under my tmoinunid, consisting of fifteen hundred Turkish troops and marines, Which has from time to time been reduced to half that number ; and lee the Itith of 5 !etcher we have made about five thousand prisoners, and n, the five thou ;11:d zie.mrters hay.• come over. The whole of Lebanon is nearly Vree : Tr;p.al :done remains to he taken, which I ant of opi- nion will be an easy conquest if attacked immediately.

" It is now my phasing din y to express to yin, Sir, how inueh reason I hare to be satisfied With tile condui ef S. Pasha, Oeneral Joehin its, Omar Bey, and, indeed, all the Turkish c... yrs.'

Commodere :Napier, in re • c mclueion of lilt letter, recommends

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