21 NOVEMBER 1840, Page 5

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M. ononard proposed to the ('blether to senor. immediately after the address in reply to the ereeoh front the throne, the disenesion on the hill for the reaulatioe ot eitial-detour in factories. Sic..., which was brought forward last session. This stiggestion was adored by the Chamber.

The Hoeiteur state; that the new oresanization of the Central Admi- nistration of War, made Ily Marshal Soult as soon as lie came into 'Mower. has already' prodneed the gu ,d effects expected front it. The suppression of the direction of the sarsoeec! and the direction of the administration, and the formation of the old offices appertaining tie

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them, into seven divisions, the heads of which transact business direct with the Minister of War, accelerate considerably the business. The activity of the veteran Marshal, who is.in his seventy-first year, is un- exampled. He is up at daybreak ; and, by a judicious arrangement of his time, he is enabled to get through his arduous labours without put- ting off engagements or postponing work till the ensuing day. The ceremony'of the christening of the Duke of Chartres was cele- brated on Saturday, in the chapel of the Palace of the Tuileries. The Archbishop of Paris, assisted by the Bishop of Morocco and the curate of St. Germain l'Auxerrois, christened the Prince. The Duke of Nemours and the Princess Adelaide held the Royal infant over the baptismal font. The King and the Queen, the Duke of Orleans, the Duke d'Aumale, the Duke de Montpensier, the Dutchess of Orleans, the Princess Climentine, the Grand Dutchess of Mecklenburg, and the Infante and Infanta Francisco de Paulo, were present at the ceremony. The baptismal act was signed in the King's presence. At half-past six there was a grand dinner at the Palace; the table being laid for one hundred and thirty persons.

The two first numbers of the Revue Dil.meeratique were seized on Friday by the Police. M. Cohen, a woollen manfacturer of Paris, was brought to trial on the 13th, before the Court of Correctional Police, upon a charge of combination. It appears, however, that his crime was not so much his having recommended the workmen to combine against himself and the other manufacturers—a fact which could not he proved—as his having urged them to attend at the Reform dinner at Chatillon, and circulating among them a pamphlet entitled Jaques Bonhomme. DI. Gobert was accordingly acquitted. The Courricr ,le Lyon of the ith instant is published on a sheet of which not more than two-thirds is filled, and the printed part is made up merely of articles standing in type ; a cireumstance of which it gives this explanation—" The inundations having completely inter- cepted the communications with the interior of the town, and especially between our publiabiag-office and our printing-office, we have been forced to resort to the imperfect publication which we this day submit to our readers."

The inundations in the Smith of France continued to subside.

" It would be a noble and generous sympathy on the part of the British public, to respond to the brutal attacks of the French Liberal press by eteoling fi,rward asd ols,isting by subscriptions the victims of the floods in Fro. u ee."—More;ng l'tmt, Nov. 18. The Pmsse (beem»e a leading organ of the present Ministry) alludes mysteriously to the singular disappearance of certain documents from the archives of the Foreign Mee, demanded to be produced by the ma- jority of the Committee on the Ad tress. The new Cabinets it says, cannot supply the Committee "Mehl' copies of the missing papers. Our private letters contain some reference to the Presse statement. It is rumoured that M. 'I'liters 15 Completely III 31. Guizot s power. The new President of the Council, it is said, holds such proofs of M. Thiers's misconduct in his goals o.s vt tAild warrant a pi osecution for high treason before the l'ootrt of freers.

The on the tionhority of a correspondent at Frankfurt, mentions a report " derived from a good source," that the Emperor of Austria intended to share the weight of government with his brother the Archduke Francis Charles Joseph, who is heir-presumptive to the throne. The report had been previously circulated, and it is now stated to be confirmed.

The death of the late beautiful and lamented. Princess Borghese, at Rome, was oceot,ioned by taking cold during a ride 014 horseback, and getting very xo et. which brought on an inflammatory sore throat, accompanied wilt fever, which ear: led her off ioo five days. The Prin- cess expinal without a soragglo.o, :Pi if site were asleep. The funeral was celebrated c'tromordi:rary pomp on die :1001 October. The inhabitants of llomn, V:11./ eVIII!.(.. SO much indifference for the funerals of the Cardinals aml PoopLs, fo■lov,a.i the remains of the young Princess from the Palace Borgl.ese to the s leach of St. Mary 31.ajor, a distance of upwar.ls or Julie. All the the city assio.ol!I at the ceremony whh lighted torches, be aniCing the hi's t!toir bencliaotre.:s. l'he streets through which the coort6ge passeU were Illuminated ; and from all the windows flor,e.s ae 1 garlands were thrown cm the fte erotl. car, which was dr:tan by the people to the eweetery.