21 NOVEMBER 1874, Page 2

Stories of some grand conspiracy in Russia have been rife

all the week. It was reported at first that the life of the Czar had been again attempted, and then that a huge conspiracy had been discovered, extending everywhere, and through all ranks and classes of society. Three thousand persons had been arrested, and the police were establishing a reign of terror. We suppose some- thing or other occurred in St. Petersburg which put the secretpolice- in motion, but the story as it stood did not look true, and it is now denied on authority, and attributed to some German papers. It, is astonishing, considering the number of foreigners there, how little trustworthy intelligence is obtainable from St. Petersburg, more especially when any conspiracy is concerned or the Govern- ment sanctions any unusual step. What little is suffered to transpire is almost always filtered to the West through Germans, whose tendency is to believe that Russia is honeycombed with secret societies. So is India, but the Government is strong enough nevertheless.