21 NOVEMBER 1903, Page 29


[To THE EDITOR OP IliE " SPTCTATOR.1 Snt,—Referring to "W. P. C.'s " letter in the Spectator of November 14th re the outlay on bread in poor families, I should like to confirm his argument by a result of my personal observation. In Paris in 1900 heavy local Customs were abolished on wines, and to readjust (as Mr. Chamberlain would have it), an additional duty was imposed on spirits. On going over the revised prices of over forty Paris dealers, I found that in every ease the consumer paid the full excess on spirits, whereas in all cases but three the consumer was only benefited by 25 to 40 per cent. of the rebate on wine. Is this the sugar-teas, bread-meat adjustment that Mr. Chamber-

lain proposes P—I am, Sir, &c., W. L. G.