21 NOVEMBER 1903, Page 38

The Bird Book'. By A. J. R. Roberts. (John Lane.

3s.)— This volume is one , of "The Country Handbooks," and its subject is of universal interest. Few people are without some love for birds, and Mr. Roberts's excellent little work should do much to cultivate this feeling in the average reader. To a man who knows his subject as thoroughly as Mr. Roberts the tempta- tion must be great to treat it too scientifically for a volume of this hind; he has, however, successfully resisted this temptation. When, indeed, some scientific information is necessary it is skil- fully managed. The chapter en "Structure and Flight" is one of the most interesting in the book. A word of praise must be given to the illustrations,—they are all photographs,. and should be of the greatest use to the novice in ornithology.