21 NOVEMBER 1908, Page 13


The Kingdom in. India. By Jacob Chamberlain. (Fleming H. Revell Company. 5s. net.)—Jacob Chamberlain, a native of New England, born in 1835, went out as a missionary to India in 1860. His sphere of work was in the North and South Arcot districts in the Madras Presidency, with portions of Mysore and Cuddapah. The peoples with whom he was brought in contact were Tamils in Arcot and Telug,us in Mysore and Cuddapah.• He soon added medical ministration to his work. Somewhat later on he took an active part in the revision of the Telugu Bible. He also edited a Telugu hymn-book, no ineffectual labour, seeing that it has passed through five editions, the last being one of eleven thousand five hundred copies. His times of furlough were largely spent in the advocacy of missions. This life of altruistic labour was brought to an end within a few weeks of completing his seventy- third year. These facts have been taken from Dr. A. N. Cobb's 4‘ Biographical Sketch." The volume itself consists of addresses, on various aspects of Christian work in India. In the first there is an appreciation of Indian religions under the title of "The Religions of the Orient : their Beauties and their Fatal Defects." Then comes a paper on the Bible in India, followed by others on missionary topics, medical missions and the work of women among them. Under this last heading comes an in- teresting account of high-caste Hindu girls' schools. Other topics are dealt with. Dr. chamberlain was a diligent worker and a keen observer, and he knew how to describe what he did and what lie saw.