21 NOVEMBER 1908, Page 13

The Twentieth Century American. By H. Perry Robinson. (G. P.

Putizanis Sons. 7s. 641.)—This is a readable book, with

plenty of anecdotes and other good things, and written in an excellent spirit. Mr. Robinson is what the Romans called stegutts, —just, with a strong disposition to benevolence. He is not blind to the faults of either of the two nations of which he gives us here a "comparative study" ; but while he loves and admires his own country, he admires and loves the great nation on the other side. And he has something new, or what will be new to many readers, to say about the " ather side." It is not a book that we care to criticise in detail. Some faults may be found in it; perhaps the author makes too large inductions from particular facts. But there is certainly instruction as well as entertainment in it. One notable observation is that the English element in the United States deserves well of the nation in that it has never formed itself into an imperium, in imperio : there is no "English vote."