21 NOVEMBER 1925, Page 18


[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.]

SIR,—Sir W. Beach Thomas does well to criticize Mr. Will Ogilvie's incomplete description of our. Australian birds, especially of our song birds. Our magpie has a delightful carol and is deservedly loved by all Australians, but, the butcher bird (cruel by nature, unfortunately) has a much more musical voice, clear, bell-like and full of variations. And does not Mr. Will Ogilvie know the Australian thrush, the Australian canary, and the fascinating little fly-catcher known as " sweet, pretty creature," who makes his friendly little song, not only through the day, but all through our brilliant moonlight nights ? Here in my Southern Queensland home surrounded by many trees, the birds never seem to stop sing- ing. For those who would learn of our birds, let me recom- mend a little handbook written by Mr. J. A. Leach.—I am,