21 NOVEMBER 1931, Page 56

Photogiaphs tell us mich more about cUltures tOerenf from our

own than a whole library full of scientific monographs. It is a pleasure therefore to see yet another volume of Mr. A. M. Duggan-Cronin's photographic studies of The Bantu Tribes of South Africa (Deighton, Bell & Co., Ltd., 21s.). This is volume two, section two, and deals-With the Ilapedi, one of the Suto-Chuana group of tribes. The photographs are magni- ficent, there is no other word for them, 4nd they are sufficiently annotated with short descriptive., notes. An introductory article by Dr.-Werner'EiseTen gives a clear-se-Count of the his- tory of the Bapedi and of the salient features of their culture, while a comprehensive bibliography is- provided by • Dr. I. Schapera. It is to be hoped that the series will be continued till at least the principal culture ideas of.South Africa have been brought within its scope.