21 OCTOBER 1843, Page 21


Tuesday, Oct. 17.


Brunton and Falconers, Howdon Pans, Northumberland, brewers—W. and A. Wells, Leeds. wine merchants—Edwards and Williams. Northwich, drapers—Johaston and Harrison, Halifax. millwrights—Cox and Co. Frome Selwood, linendrapers— W. and J. Dickson, Walton, Warwickshire. farmers—Coniston and Smith. Bindull Row, En- gineers—Birley and Co.; as far as regards J. and H. Birley —Sims aud Co. Liverpool, shipwrights; as far as regards J. Wiuspear— Richards and Bramah, New Bridge Street, attornies—Strange and Parsons. Swansea, coal-owners—H. and C. Gold. High Street, South, ark, tea-dealers—H. G. and W. N. Coumbes, Poplar, plumbers—Buchanan aud Oldroyd, Camberwell Road. nurserymen—W. II. and E. Fletcher, Canterbury, butchers Maples and Edwards, Spalding. Lincolnshire. bone-merchants.


Millican, Cannon Street, foreman to a tailor—Hirt, Cheltenham, coal-merchant — Freebury, Stroud, engraver — Tozer, Exeter, farrier — BMus, Lilleshall, Shrop- shire, engineer—Longbottom. Bradford, Yorkshire, stoneinason—Collett, Great Cam- bridge Street, Hackney Road. Post uffice.clerk—Barker, Clifford Street, Bond Street, M.D.—Barnett. Crown Street, Walworth Road, clothes-dealer—Parkin. Liverpool, pavier —Lomas, Sheffield, grocer —Manniugs, Bath, coal-merchant —Auslow, Shrews- bury, upholsterer—Dixon, Bradley Terrace, Maryleboue, cheesemonger's-assistant- Knigla. Windmill Street, St. Pancras, smith—Russell, Lower Belgrave Place, baker — Nicolsou, Jewin Crescent, traveller—Last. Landsdown Cottages, Hackney, govern- ment clerk—Atwood, Green Walk, Holland Street, accouctaut—Johnsou, Camden Town, chinaman —Bennett, Norwich, upholsterer.


DAY, ROBERT Joust and SAMUEL TAYSPILL, Halsted, Essex, wine-merchants, Oct. 13. BANKRUPTCY ANNULLED.

Cams, CHARLES, Tower Street, Westminster Road, baker. COOPER, ALFRED CAMPBELL, Evesham. Worcestershire, draper.


ABBOTT, ROBERT 'nearer, andTmenar,ALTREDTawArns, Birmingham, tea-dealers, to surrender Nov. 1, 25: solicitor, Mr. Mole, Birmingham; official assignee, Mr. Whitmore, Birmingham.

DICKINSON, WILLIAM, Bexley, merchant, Oct. 30, Nov. 30: solicitors, Messrs. Walker and Gridley, Southampton Row ; official assignee, Mr. Graham, Coleman otreet.

FREARSON, WILLIAM MILLIS. Wood Street, sewing-cotton-manufacturer, Oct. 30, Nov. 30: solicitors. Messrs. Willoughby aud Co. Clifford's Ion; official assignee, Mr. Tar- quail& Old Jewry Chambers. GORDON, ANFeoxy, and Co. Manchester, machine-makes, Oct. 30, Nov. 20 ao117 acts, Mews. Gregory and Co. Bedford Row; aud Mr. Makinson, Manchester ; official assignee. Mr. Fraser. Manchester. SHARPE. litcHARD Chelmsford, draper, Oct. 26. Nov. 19 : solicitors, Messrs. Sole. Aldermaubury ; official assignee, Mr. Lackingtou, Culemau Street Buildings.

WooD. Jona, Farringaun Street, tobacconist. Oct. 24. Nov. 29: solicitors. Messrs. Crosby & Co. Church Court, Old Jewry ; official assignee, Johnson, Businghall St.


Nov. 7. Reynolds. Merton. woollen-printer-Nor. 9. Godwin and Lee. Bishopsgate Street Within. shipowners-Nov. 10. Wills and Davy. Oxford Street. drapers-Nov. 7. Vinceut, Edmonton, schoolmaster-Nov. 10, Oliver and Co. Tipton, ironmasters -Nov. 9. Bull. Cambridge. saddler-Nov. 7. Skinner, Godalmiug. butcher -Nov. 7. White, Aldersgate Street, chemist -Nov. 10, Hobbs. St. Peter's. Isle of Thanet, machiue- maker - Nov. 9, Messum. Portsea, brewer-Oct. 30, Webber. Wood Street, warehouse- man-Nov. 9, Hunt, Watliug Street, stationer-Nov. 9. Butler, Lodclingtou, North- amptonshire, machiue-maker- Nov. S. Crow, Fulham, victualler-Nov. 8. Johnson and Dawson, Gracechurch Street, iranmougers- Nov. 9, Musgrave, Leeds, dyer-Nov.

Higginbottom, Ashton-under-Lyne, money-scrivener-Nov. 8, Ashwell. Salford. grocer-Nov. 16. Stoodley, 'Seaport. twine-manufacturer-Nov. 16. Beer and Bastick, I. Thomas-the-Apostle, Devonshire. coal-merchants-Nov. 2l, Exley, Mauchester, hoot-maker-Nov. 14, Brown and Powell, Stubbins-within-Tottington, Lancashire, sakes-priuters- Nov. 21, Frost. Bristol. baker-Nov. 10, Ward, Devizes, house- decorator-Nov. 8, Reed, Sunderland, ship-builder-Nov. 9, Jacobson, Neweast'e - upon-'Tyne. picture-dealer-Nov. 8. Wilkinsou and Co. Stockton. Durham, bankers - Nov. 16, Wilkinson, Dudley, vice-maker-Nov. 16, Chappell, Sudbury, victualler.


To be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on the day of meeting. Nov. 7. Chappell, Sudbury, victualler-Nov. 10, Godwin nod Lee, Bishopsgate Street Within. shipowners-Nov. 9. Littledyke, Brudeuell Place, New North Road, lineudraper -Nov. 7. White, Aldersgate Street, chemist- Nov. 9. Boyd, Piccadilly, publicau-Nov. 8, Polak, Newport, Moumouthshire, woolleudraper-Nov. 10. Jones, Wimborne Minster. Dursetshire, surgeon-Nov. 7. Starling. Southampton, hatter - Nov. 8. Calton. Basingstoke. ironmonger-Noy. 15, Frost. Bristol, baker-Nov. 8, Wilson. Wigton. Cumberland. draper-Nov. 8, Chesworth, Newton, Cheshire, brewer - Nov. 8. Parsons, Long Sutton, Lincolnshire, surgeon -Nuv.13, Burton, Great Glenn, Leicestershire. currier-Nov. 7. Lamplugh, Great Driffield, Yorkshire. grocer. To be granted. unless cause be shown to the contrary, on or before Noy. 7. Barnes, Commercial Place, engineer-Archer, Queen Street, Cheapside, wine-mer- chant-J. and R. Detre, Oxford, booksellers-Hobbs, Thanet, machine-maker-Chalk, Linton. Cambridgeshire, draper-Nelms, Back Hill, hearth rug.manufacturer-Eard- ley, Exeter. china dealer-Bradford, Long Acre, cheesemonger -Masters, Wituey, Ox- fordshire, innkeeper-Style, Windsor, bookseller- Buchanan, Shere, Surrey, brewer.


Walker. Poulton-le.Fylde. Lancashire. grocer; first air. of Is. on Oct. 26, or any sub- sequent Thursday; Mr. Cazeuove, Liverpool-Rubinson, Liverpool, glass-dealer-first div. of 4s. un Oct. 26, or any subsequent Thursday ; Mr. Cazenove, Liverpool-Mot- hum. Liverpool, wool-broker ; first div. of 2t. on Oct 26; Mr. Caren.), e, Liverpool Bailey, Liverpool, merchant; third div. of 9d. on Oct. 25, or any subsequent Wednes- day; Mr. Follett, Liverpool-Brooks. Liverpool. hotelkeeper; final div of 24d. on Oct. 25, or any subsequent Wednesday ; Mr. Follett, Liverpool-Hemming, Astwood Bank, Warwickshire. needle-manufacturer; first div. of 2s. 3d. on Oct. 26, or any subsequent Thursday ; Mr. Bittleston, Birmingham-Richards, Oxford Street, livery-stable-keeper; first div. of 3s. on Oct. 18, and two following Wednesdays; Mr. Groom, Abehurch Lane.


GAHM/ELL, PETER, Edinburgh, tavern keeper, Oct. 20, Nev. 10.

Conrrs. James, Dundee, builder, Oct. 23. Nov. 13.

DUNC.AN, DANIEL Feartusou, Glasgow, engraver. Oct. 23, Nov. 13. Gm WALTER, Paisley, cooper, Oct. 21, Nov. 11. HANNAY, Junta, Irougray. Kirkcudbright, farmer, Oct. 25, Nov. 15.

PillaraLaar, DoursaL, Helmsdale, Sutherlandshire, wood.merchaut, Oct. 23, Nov. 13. PoLLocx, WiLwasi, Glasgow, writer, Oct. 20, Nov. 14.

Friday, Oct. 20.


Mason and Colliuson, Doncaster, anoraks-Parrett and Mearson, Wellington Street North. Stant', advertising agents-Pollard and Roberts. Winks. orth Buildings, City Road, carpenters-Lazarus and Solomon, Bartholomew Close, fur-manufacturers- Cowan and Co. Newcastle-upon-Tyne, cheesemongers; as far as regards R. Cowan- Chimney and Son, Wilson Street, Fiusbury, merchants-Tayler and Co. Church Street, Camberwell. booksellers-Cogan and Sydenham, Yeovil, tanners-Carter aud Bates, Mayfield Street, Dalstou, milliners-Brown and Andrews, Skinner Street, Snow Hill, perfumers-Garraway and Heilbronn. Great Tower Street, commission•ageuts-Bullen and Co. Liverpool, ale-dealers-Haworth and Shackleton, Leeds, coach-makers- Hock and Co. Birmingham, coal-dealers-Knight and Co. Stoke-upon-Trent, earthenware- manufacturers ; as far as regards Knight-Shepperley and Pearce, Nottingham. watch- makers-Williamson and Pratt. Beruers Street, Oxford Street. wine-merchants-Pitt and Ricketts. Bristol, coal merchants-Pindar and Shaw, Gainsborough, coal merchants -Sykes and Co. Redeross Street. Cripplegate, tobacconists-Harridge and Smith, Sudbury, schoolmistresses- Elkington and Co. Birmingham, gilders-Finch and Bick- erton, Worcester, leather-factors - Parsons and Lewis, Cluttou, Somersetshire, brewers

- Cardy and Hitchcock, Boxford, Suffolk, maltsters-Whitworth and Co. Halifax, worsted-spinuers; as far as regards W. Illingworth.


Dutton, Leeds, dealer in fruit-Broadhurst, Sheffield, paper.case.manufacturer- Beddow, otherwise Beddoe, Manchester, salesmau-Ewington, Ipswich, attorney- Morris, St. Andrew-the-Less. Cambridgeshire. schoolmaster-Bale. Norwich, saddler -Barley. Earl's Common. Worcestershire, carpenter-Robinson, Rotherham, retailer of beer-Grant, Kidderminster, dealer in Irish linens-Gram, West Square, clerk- Exton. Manchester, dealer in cotton waste-Travis, Stockport, hat-manufacturer- Clarke, Lucas Street, Commercial Road, wine cooper.


BURTON, G., Ashton-under-Lyme, brickmaker. GlaNNIKOHASI, ANDREW, Bolton, provision-merchant.


Somme. JAMES, Bemmeraley, Staffordshire. printer, to surrender, Nov. 2, 27: soli- citors, Mr. Twigg, Bursiem; aud Mr. Smith, Birmingham ; official assignee, Mr. Bittlestou, Birmingham. Bnaix. Eernaursr. Rodney Street, Pentenville, copper-plate-printer, Nov. 2, 30: Messrs. Harrison. Walbrook ; official assignee, Mr. Graham, Coleman Street. MILLS. Wiaarem, Birmingham, upholsterer, Nuv. 2. Dec. 1: solicitors, Msssrs. Sole and .Sole. Aldermanbury; and Mr. Suckling. Birmingham; official assignee, Mr. Valpy, Birmingham. WEST, JAMES GRAHAM, Wandsworth. grocer. Oct. 26, Nov. 29: solicitor, Mr. Arrow- smith, Devonshire Street ; official assignee, Mr. Johnsou, Basinghall Street.

Willem's, Jona, Crown Street, Fiusbury, stay.manufactarer, Oct. 26, Dec. 5: soli- citor, Mr. Cox, Pinner's Hall; official assignee, Mr. Green, Aldermaubury.


Nov. 16. Bison, Brighton, coachmaker-Nov. 15, Stocken and Utton. Halkin Street, Belgrave Square. coachmakers-Nov. 15, Jay, Castle Lane, Southwark Bridge Road, hat-manufacturer-Nov. 15. Canton, Basingstoke, ironmonger -Nov. 15, Harrington junior, Aldgste, linendraper - Nov. lo, Chapman and Woodyer, Wapping, coal mer- chants-Nov. 10, Bunton. Bishopsgate Street, linendraper -Nov. 10, Salonsonsou, Threadneedle Street, merchant-Nov. 14, Mason, Culver, Derbyshire, cotton-spinner.


To be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on the shy of meeting. Nov. 11, Hoar. Oxford. ironmonger-Nov. 14, Jay, Castle Lane, Southwark Bridge Bead, hat manufacturer-Nov. 14, Redhead junior, Lime Street, shipbroker-Nov. 14, Holland. Upper Thornhaugh Street, Bedford Square, cheesemonger -Nov. 15, Teat- Man, Leachlade, filocestershire, chemist - Nov. 13, Rutter, Stockton.upon-Tees, grocer-Nov. 13, Knight; Preston, mercer-Nov. 15, Lythgoe. Liverpool cooper. To be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on or before Nov.10. Johnson, Liverpool, merchant-Bradley, Leeds, ironmonger-Lockwood, Wake- field, Yorkshire, merchant -Claringbold, St. Alban's innkeeper-Vardy, Newbury. bookseller. DECLARATIONS OF DIVIDENDS.

Pallister and Nearick, Sanderland, grocers; first div. of Is. 3d. on Oct. 28, or any Saturday ; Mr. Baker-Brown and Combs, Windsor, bankers; first div. of Is. 94. on Oct 28, 30, aud 31, or any sucpeediug Wednesday ; Mr. Turquand, old Jewry-Fisher, Selby, lineudraper ; div. of 12s. 6d. any Thursday after Oct. 26; Mr. Freeman Leeds ; securities for debts to be produced to Mr. Payne, deputy registrar-Todd, Hylton Ferry, Durham, shipbuilder ; first div. of 2s. 6d. Oct. 28, or any succeeding Saturday; Mr. Baker, Newcastle.upon.Tyne-Bell, Newcastle-upon-T_ yne, grocer; third div. of Is. 8d. in addition to 13s. 4d. previously declared, on Oct. 28, or any succeeding Saturday ; Mr. Baker. Newcastle.npon Tyne-Faweits, Stockton-upou-Tees, timber-merchant; first and final div. of 6s. 944 Oct 28, or any succeeding Saturday ; Baker, Newcastle- upon-Tyne- Clialouer, Chester, curlier; third dir. of 1}d. Nov. 2, or any subsequeut Thursday; Mr. Carenove. Liverpool-H. and J. Hedger, Coventry, watch-manufac- turers; first div. of Is.8d. on any Thursday; Velma Birmingham-Harvey, Mansdeld eoachmaker; first and final div. of 7r. 9d. Oct. 24, or any succeeding Tuesday ; Fearne, Leeds-Harvey, Mansfield, coaehmaker ; first and Analdiv. of Is. 144. on Oct. 24, or any subsequent Tuesday; Mr. Fearne. Leeds-Harvey senior and junior. Mansfield, coachmakers; first and final div. of 13s. Std. on Oct. 24. or any subsequent Tuesday ; Mr. Fearne, Leeds-Cocker, Barnsley, dyer; first div. of Is. 3d. on Oct. 29, or any sub. sequent Tuesday; Mr. Fearne„Leeds -Musgrave and Co. Leeds. dyers ; first div. of 2s. fd. on Oct. 24, or any subsequent Tuesday ; Mr. Femme, Leeds-Parker and Co, Leeds, dyers; first div. of 5s. on Oct. 24, or any subsequent Tuesday; Mr. Fearne, Leeds-Parker, Leeds, dyer; first div. of 7s. 6d. on Oet. 24. or any subsequentTuesday; Mr. Fearne, Leeds-Abbott, Leeds, dyer ; div. of 20s. on Oct. 24, or any subsequent Tuesday; Mr. Femme. Leeds; Nash. York, mustard manufacturers; first div. of 12s. 6d. on Oct. 24, or any subsequent Tuesday ; Mr. Fearne, Leeds.


Ilamname. T. Leith, spirit-merchant. Oct 25. Nov. 14.