21 OCTOBER 1865, Page 1

Owing in great measure to the incompetence of these high

officers, the pecuniary liabilities of the colony are terrible. With a population- of not very much above 100,000 English settlers they have an annual expenditure of 790,0001., and propose to raise a revenue of 750,0001., absolutely something like 71. 10a. a head. We suppose that but for sales of wild land this would be practi- cally impossible. The gold discoveries have contributed greatly to their means, and, we understand, a stamp duty, estimated to raise 60,0001. to 70,0001., is to be imposed. This is something like raising 15,000,000/. by a stamp duty in England ; but, again, we suppose, the stamp must be imposed on the sale of wild lands. After all is said, however, no colony ever struggled more manfully to meet its pecuniary engagements, and when we consider that half its liabilities are due to our own mismanagement in the Colonial and War Office, we should scarcely use the language which is common on the tongues of members of Parliament con-

cerning this colony. One of the measures of the new Ministry is one to give the great Maori landowners a real influence. if they wish it, in the conduct of public affairs.