21 OCTOBER 1865, Page 2

The new King of Wurtemburg appears to be mad with

the pride of caste. 113 recently ordered all citizen owners of opera box:* osite his own seat to give them up, as ha would have on lished a new code for salutes. All officers in the theatre when His Majesty enters are to rise together, and spin when the Queen follows him. The guards are to tura out in goo .I time when the King pass, or the commandant will be held responsible, and lest the soldiers should excuse themselves by saying they did not recognize the King, "exact photographs" of His Majesty are to be hung up in all barrack-rooms, at the cost of the regiment. The vanity and meanness of German Royalty are combined in that last clause in perfection, but the insult to the Wurtemburgers is not yet complete. To prevent all mistakes the soldiery are to salute every closed Court carriage, full or empty, an order absolutely identical in principle with that of Gesler, said to have produced the revolt of Switzerland from Austria. Unfor- tunately the Wurtemburgers are not Swiss, and will simply regard their King as a trifle too much of a martinet.
