21 OCTOBER 1876, Page 3

The near approach of the Presidential election has apparently

induced the whites of some of the Southern States to strengthen their organisation, and Governor Chamberlain, of South Carolina, has called on the President to aid him in suppressing the Rifle- Clubs. The President has, accordingly, ordered General Sherman to move the whole of the troops in the Atlantic Division-10,000 men—into South Carolina, there to put down any resistance to executive authority. The Democrats accuse the President of having given this order from party motives, and in order to coerce the electors, but it is difficult to see how troops can make men vote for one candidate more than another. All they can do is to prevent the open coercion of voters by armed organisations, and it is possible that this has excited Democratic anger. It is much more probable, however, that the President expected a small race- war, and thought it better to suppress its first beginnings by overwhelming force.