21 OCTOBER 1911, Page 1

How the Turkish Government mean to carry out their policy

we find it difficult to imagine. The Turks are no doubt a brave people, and we can well believe that they are prepared to die in the last ditch, but as the Italians have no intention of going near the last ditch, that policy is in truth impracti- cable. We cannot help thinking that the Turkish Govern- ment's real intention is to hold on till public opinion cools down, and then to accept the fait accompli. No doubt in a month or two, if not earlier, people will get accustomed to the idea of the loss of Tripoli, and then the inevitable will be accepted by the Turks as it always has been in the past. A population of fatalists finds resignation a comparatively easy virtue. The real danger spot is the Balkan peninsula. If through any fresh sorting of the pieces the ultimate aspira- tions of Austria-Hungary in the Near East seem to be pre- judiced, and if accordingly Austria-Hungary feels compelled

to move, there is no telling what will be the result ; or, to put it iu another way, it is certain that a situation of the utmost gravity must arise.