21 OCTOBER 1911, Page 17


[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."' Sva,—You were kind enough to publish a letter from Major Leonard Darwin some little time ago setting forth the claims of Bedford College for Women and explaining the nature of our appeal and the need for new buildings. I now venture to bring before your notice a dinner which we propose to hold at the Savoy Hotel on Thursday, November 23rd, in aid of the funds. The chair is to be taken by Viscount Haldane, the Visitor of the College. =Among the speakers are Mrs. Creighton, the Right Hon.. A. Birrell, and Mr. Owen Seaman. The Duchess of Marlborough (the Hon. Treasurer of our Building Fund) is one of our hostesses, and a number of other ladies, including the Duchess of Sutherland,. the Marchioness of Crewe, Lady Katharine Somerset, the Countess of Essex, and the Lady St. Helier, have consented to help in the same way.

The special purpose of the dinner is to raise £10,000, and thus secure a further £10,000 which has been promised to us if we can

obtain a like sum within twelve months. Even then we shall only able to carry out a partial scheme of building, for £30,000 more

will be required before we can complete, equip, and endow the new college. When this is secured we believe that we shall have a building worthy of the largest Women's College of the University of London. The plans have been prepared by Mr. Basil Champneys, and the site is a delightful one.

I shall be pleased to answer any inquiries as regards either the building scheme or the dinner.—I am, Sir, &c.,

MARGARET J. Tess, • Chairman of the Dinner Committee, Bedford College Building Fund. York Place, Baker Street, W.