21 OCTOBER 1922, Page 22


Nash's " Famous Fiction Library." (Nash and Grayson. 2s. 6d. net.)—Some of the novels included in. this series have already conquered their tens of thousands and, presumably, have vastly enriched their authors. Side by side we get really valuable books—The New Arabian Nights, Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, and Carnival ; sensational novels of much worth in their kind—/ Will Repay, The Beetle, and She ; and pure incompetencies, the success of which is beyond reasonable explanation. The most welcome volume is the reprint of Mr. Cannan's Round the Corner. It is the most solidly delightful book in the whole list, a novel which makes those who have read it almost anguished at Mr. CnTinn.TOS. failure inthe. past • Three Plop. By Frances-Petersen. Hugh Egerton. [3s. ea. nct.l Baeratriems Essays. By E. W. Smithson and Sir George Greenwood. Landon: Cecil Palmer. (12s. Od. nct.1

few years to write anything a quarter as good. Before the War he could write not only intelligently, but in a pure and exquisite English.