21 OCTOBER 2006, Page 26

Art and the God-feeling

From Denis Vaughan

Paul Johnson’s wise demonstration that ‘no great artist leaves God out’ (And another thing, 14 October) opens the way for a widespread acceptance of David Hawkins’s summary of the nature of God. His books, such as The Eye of the I, map out a scale of consciousness, showing how and why spirituality unites while religiosity divides.

Science, reason, intellect and words only get halfway up the scale. Above that love, joy, bliss and other states can only come into our awareness once our ego has been superseded, which requires a basis of unconditional love. If we practise going further up the scale, even for short periods, we have a taste of the God-feeling unity — and can comprehend that it exists because of our joint participation. There is no upper limit, and inspiration is the order of the day, as any orchestral conductor knows from experience.

This wonderful overview is necessary throughout the world at present, to illuminate the power games of fundamentalism and the pointless squabbles about ‘intelligent design’.

Denis Vaughan London WC2