21 SEPTEMBER 1867, Page 16


[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR."] SIR,—I have just received curious confirmation of the accuracy of the account of Admiral Persano's conduct at the battle of Lissa, given in your paper of the 15th July last, in a letter from a con- nection of mine, a naval officer now serving in the Mediterranean. In a recent voyage in the Adriatic he encountered an English engineer who had served on board an Austrian reconnoitring ves- sel at the battle of Lissa, and from him he received a full and most clear and satisfactory account of the action, of which he had a good view from beginning to end. " He spoke strongly of Albini's cowardice and treachery, and said that Persano did his best, and showed himself throughout a brave and gallant sailor. I consider his account most trustworthy." Thinking you may be

glad to have this confirmation, I am, Sir, &c., H.