21 SEPTEMBER 1956, Page 12


HER HUSH-HUSH WEDDING.—Sunday Pictorial, September 16.

ONLY 26 guests.—News Chronicle, September 18. . . . 22 solemn guests.—Sketch, September 18. Tun 17 guests . . .—Daily Mail, September 18. 14 guests.—Evening Standard, September 17.

THE GROOM will give his bride more than £1,000,000 worth of family heirlooms.—Sunday Dispatch, September 16.

Positively no jewelry for Fiona . . . because of all the fuss there was over Thyssen's lavish gifts to his former two wives.—Sunday Graphic, September 16.

ONE OF THE Baron's presents to Fiona was a £40,000 pearl necklace. Daily Mirror, September 18. FIONA had to be content with . . . a pearl necklace worth £30,000. News Chronicle, September 18. ONE WOMAN estimated the cost at £40,000. Wrong again. Fiona bought it herself for a couple of pounds.—Daily Mail, September 18.

HER £25,000 engagement ring . . .—Daily Sketch, September 18. Ammo her presents : a platinum and pearl engagement ring worth £35,000.—Daily Express, September 18.

EVIDENTLY the Baron is conducting an austerity regime. . . .

News Chronicle, September 18.

THE BRIDE wore a white dress.—Evening News, September 17. . . . a light-coloured dress.—Sunday Dispatch. September 16. . . an off-white costume.—Daily Express, September 18.

SCOTSWOMAN FIONA was asked her religion. 'Presbyterian' she said huskily.—Daily Mail, September 18.

FIONA gave her religion as Episcopal.—Daily Express, September 18.

THEY DROVE back to the villa for the reception. •

Daily Mirror, September 18.

ARM IN ARM, bride and groom walk down a village street to go to the reception.—Daily Express, September 18.

BACK AT THE villa, the baron struggled to carry his bride across the threshold. She struggled too, and fell from his arms.

Daily Express, September 18.

Tun BARON carried Fiona into his lakeside villa with a skill born of'much practice.—Daily Sketch, September 18.

THE BARON'S fortune is mainly concentrated in shipping, banking

and coal-mining.—Evening Standard, Septembei 17.

. . . £20.000,000 steel fortune.—Sunday Pictorial, September 16.

. . . an £18,000,000 fortune.—Daily Mail, September 18.

. . . down to £16,000,000 after his divorce from Nina.

Daily Sketch, September 17.

. . . worth £15,000,0000*—Daily Sketch, September 18.

AFTER his wedding to Fiona, presumably?