22 APRIL 1837, Page 10


Captain Sir G. Gipps, one of the Canada Commissioners, and als. Thomas Elliot, Secretary to the Commission, arrived in town on Sun. day from Canada.

Major Richardson has written a letter to the Times, reaffirming those charges against the Legion in Spain, the correctness of Mese General Shaw denied.

The Longford Election Committee have been sitting during the week. The result of their labours is that seven of Mr. White's votes have been struck off.

The Reverend Dr. Joynes, of Rochester, has been preferred to the living of Gravesend, which is in the gift of the Crown. Dr. Joyce, took an active part at a recent meeting of the clergy of Rochester in defence of the Ministerial measures for the settlement of Church rates, and his preferment to the living of Gravesend has excited the wrath of the Times. [The Tories, it is well known, never gave patronage, cle- rical or lay, to political partisans.]