22 APRIL 1837, Page 9

. In the Rolls Court, on Wednesday, Lord Langdale confirmed

the injunction granted by the Court of Common Pleas to restrain the London and Westminster Bank from issuing bills and promissory notes payable at less than six months after date. This question will be carried up to the House of Lords.

At a meeting of the Middlesex Magistrates, on Thursday, it was re- solved to enlarge the County Pauper Lunatic Asylum at Hanwell, so as to accommodate 300 additional patients. The expense was esti- mated at 20,0001. ; and the Committee of Accounts were directed to asceitain the best mode of raising the money.

The Greenucre murder continues to furnish the penny-a-line gen- tlemen with occupation. Several stories about a wife of Greenacre being in America, his attempt to get another wife by advertisement after the murder of Hannah Brown, the murder of a child he had by the woman Gale, and his being one of the Cato Street conspirators,— all of which, Greenacre, it. is said, has declared to be fabrications,— make their appearance day sifter day in the newspapers. The long reports of the speeches in Parliament have for once proved advanta. geous to the public, in setting limits of space to the lic-mongers. It is not yet known when the execution of Greenacre is to take place, or What is to be the ultimate fate of Gale. The brother of Hannah Brown has applied for the reward of 100/. offered to the persioi u ho should give the first itiformation of the murderer !