22 APRIL 1837, Page 9

Clic Country.

A severe contest at Lewes terminated on Thursday, in the election of the Honourable Henry Fitzroy, by the narrow majority of 397 to 371 over his opponent Mr. Easthope. The account given in the Spectator three or four weeks ago, of tile dissatisfaction of the Liberals III Lewes at the treatment of Mr. Blackman, with other circumstances, must have prepared our readers for a defeat of a Ministerial candidate in that borough. The Morning Chronicle contains a four-column report of the proceedings, at the nomination on Wednesday ; which, however, is deprivell of its chief interest by the knowledge of the unfortunate result.. Mr. Fitzroy seems to be a clever sort of person ; but we have a mean opinion of his political honesty, as he did not scruple to reproach Mr. Easthope with his support of the Poor-law, while he was compelled himself to acknowledge that he approved of its principle, and only objected to its " unchristian and unconstitu- tional" details. Mr. Easthope displayed considerable tact, readiness, and command of temper, in dealing with the speech of his antagonist, on the hustings, and with the interruptions he received from a gang of drunken Tories, who created much confusion. Mr. Westmaeott, of the Age, also figured at this election ; and was even put in nomination as u candidate by two members of Mr. Fitzroy's Committee.

Time Tories have been soundly beaten at Rochdale. Mr. Fenton, the Reformer, was elected on Tuesday, by a majority of 383 to 339- 44, over his Tory opponent, Mr. Roods. The late Member for Roch- dale, Mr. Entwisle, was a Tory ; so time good cause has gained one by this election. Had it been necessary, the Liberal majority would have been larger ; but the voters did not wish to expose themselves to Tory persecution : the Ballot is wanted at Rochdale.

Major Searlett is a candidate for the honour of representing Guild- ford with Mr. Baring Wall. What has Major Scarlett done that he should be the ante damn& of the Guildford %Vallites 7 We never heard any thing against Major Scarlett's character as a soldier or gentleman; but he must have a pretty strong stomach to digest what made the Honourable Mr. Best sick, and what Mr. Miles Stringer and a reso- lute lawyer, Mr. Thesiger, would not look at. Mr. Best, Mr. Stringer, mid Mr. Thesiger, each declined the chance of being Mr. Wall's colleague —what, we repeat, has Major Searlett done to merit that honour ?

Mr. Benbow and Mr. Groves have been put forth as the Conserva- tive candidates for Wolverhompton.—Stafibrdshire Examiner.

It is reported that the negotiations which have for some time been carried on between the Church and the Wesleyan Turks have ended in a rupture, and that the former intend to bring forward Mr. Henry Walker, as a candidate, (felines to find a la-tier,) and the latter, Mr. J. Thornely. a West Riding Magistrate, residing near Burnsley.—. Sheffield Independent.

Sir John Chetwode means to oppose Sir Hurry Verney at Bucking. ham. Sir Harry has turned out a better Liberal than we took him fur, and we hope he will beat the Tory.