22 APRIL 1848, Page 20


On the 14th April, at Ilkeston Vicarage, the Lady of the Rev. G. S. Ebsworth, M.A., Of a son.

On the 16th, at Wlnkileld Vicarage, Berke, the Wife of the Rev. C. I. Elliott, of a daugOnhter.

the 17th, in Lowndes Street, Lady Coithurst, of a daughter.

On the 21st, in South Street, the Lady of the Right Hon. Edward Strutt, of a daughter.


On the 13th April, at Loverseil, the Rev. Robert John Sharpe. Incumbent of that Dace ,to Georgians, only child of the late George Banks, Esq., of St. Catherine's, near Doncaster.

On the 13th, at the British Embassy, Paris, Major-General Henry Hodgson, to Helen, eldest daughter of Admiral Honyman.

On the 13th. at Bridekirk, Cumberland, James Walker, Esq., of Dabrey House, Mid- Lothian, to Ellen, third daughter of the late J. D. B. Dykes, Esq., of Dovenby Hall, Cumberland.

On the 15th. at St. James's, Sir Henry Edward Fox Young, Lieutenant-Governor of South Australia, to Augusta Sophia, eldest daughter of Charles Marryat, Esq., of Parkaeld, Potter's Bar.

On the 15th, at All Saints', Fulham, Henry Lanmann, Esq., LL.D., of Burlington House, Fulham, to Sophist, eldest daughter of the late William Howard, Esq., of Fulham.


On the 1st April. in the Minster Yard, Lincoln, Jane, Widow of Colonel Harnage ; in her 93d year.

On the 10th, at Turin, the Honourable Lady Murray, Widow of Lieutenant-General Sir John Murray, Bart.

On the 11th, at Staplehurst, Kent, the Rev. T. W. Hornbnckle, Rector; in his 73d year.

On the 13th, in St. Dunatan's, Canterbury, Mrs. Elizabeth Scott, Widow of the late Thomas Scott, Captain hi the Seventieth Regiment, and brother of the late Sir Walter Scott, the first Baronet of Abbotsford ; in her 72d year.

On the lath, at Leamington, Elizabeth Shipley Erskine, youngest daughter of the late Lord Cardroas.

On the lath. in London, George Henry Elliott, Esq., of Binfield Park and Hurst Lodge, Berkshire..

On the 16th, at Batty Conrt, Stafroraohire, Anastasia Fletcher, eldest darighter of

the late Sir Thomas Fletcher, Val. ' • - - On the 17th, at Kingston-en-Thames. Mrs. Ann Cooper ; in her 94th year. On the 18th, Anne Lucy Lady Nugent.. . On the 20th, in Lowades Street, Belgrave Square, Harriet Georgians, Widow of the late-Right Honourable Silt Gore Dueeley, Bart. ; in her alst year.

On the 20th, in Guildford Street, Horace, the youngest son of the Lord Chief Baron ; aged 3 years and 6 months.

On the 20th, in Eaton Place. the Lady Katherine Jermyn. Number of deaths. Spring average.

Zymotic Diseases 275 .... 176 Dropsy, Cancer, and other diseases of uncertain or variable seat 48 .... 50 Tubercular Diseases. 192 .... 202 Diseases of the Brain, Bpinalliarrow, Nerves, and Senses .. 107 .... 122 Diseases of the Heart and Blood-vessels 32 .... 33 Diseases of the Lungs, and of the other Organs of Respiration... . 181 129 Diseases of the Stomach, Liver, and other Organs of Digestion . 62 62 Diseases of the Kidneys, &c 11 10 Childbirth, diseases of the Uterus, &c.


12 Rheumatism, diseases of the Bones, Joints, &c 7 9 Diseases of the Skin, Cellular Massie, &e

1 Malformations 4 3 , Premature Birth 22


Atrophy 18 16 Age


55 Sudden 14 12 Violence, Privation, Cold, and Intemperance 21 _ 29 - Total (Including unspecified canoes) 1047 943

The temperature of the thermometer ranged from 72.5° in the sun to 27.0° in the shade; the mean temperature by day mg colder than the mean average temperature by 1.8°. The direction of the wind for the week was variable. week ending on Saturday last- Results of the Registrar-General's return of mortality in the Metropolis for the