22 APRIL 1865, Page 2

A most discreditable incident is reported from Madrid. The Government

either fear or pretend to fear a revolution, and Marshal Narvaez is determined to warn the people of the conse-

to be brought to a port where overcrowding and low diet are quences which will follow an entente. A number of students, it

appears, were indignant at the dismissal of a professor for criti- though it has appeared as an epidemic at intervals during the last

cizing the Queen's generosity in the matter of the Crown lands, twenty-eight years both in Europe and America. It is a"febrile

and resolved to treat his sucessasor to a serenade. They nervous affection of a very painful and dangerous kind," but it is not assembled in front of his house, and the police failing to disperse them, the military were called out. Without the smallest provocation they fixed alike into students and spec- tators, killing and wounding nearly fifty persons, among them alcaldes, officers, and ex-ministers, people entirely inuocent of even a wish for revolt. So entirely without excuse was the out- rage, that Spaniards try to explain it by suggesting that Marshal Narvaez, who believes that he can sit upon bayonets without being wounded, hoped to provoke the populace into a premature explosion. It is much more probable that he really believed that a combined protest against a Royal act was intended to produce the revolt of which, like every other Continental minister, he lives in continual dread. It is cowardice, not policy, which prompts all this cruelty.