22 APRIL 1911, Page 1


THE stability of the Monis Ministry is being severely tested abroad as well as at home, the situation in Morocco having suddenly become critical. The Sultan's army in the Sherarda district fought a successful engagement on the 12th inst., but has since been unable to move owing to the rain and mud and the difficulty of procuring fodder. According to the Times correspondent at Tangier, the state of this army is pitiable, and it is only kept together by the presence of the French Military Mission ; while the situation in Fez, which is closely invested by rebellious tribes, has never been worse. For the moment, the French are contenting themselves with sending native levies from the Shawia district and from Alcazar to threaten the rebellious tribes in the rear. But it is clear that, although France will only intervene directly as a last resource, the despatch of an expedition may be rendered necessary at any mourant to protect the European Colony in Fez. Senor Cw.aalejas was reported on Thursday to have stated that he had already been informed of the French resolve to despatch a column to Fez, adding that, as far as they were concerned, the Spanish Government would take no part in any such action, but were naturally anxious as to the effect that these events may produce.