22 APRIL 1960, Page 14


SIR,----1 was very interested to read Mr. .Hollis's statistical commentary on' God's Law in regard to contraception last week. It seems to me that neither he nor that other eminent Catholic whom he quotes, Professor Clark, really goes far enough. I personally am quite prepared to eat my 2,000 calories a day standing up, provided. that Mr. Hollis can assure me I will get them regularly. Living in suburbia as I do, I see no reason why less fortunate peoples elsewhere should not sample its delights too.

Sex is fundamentally wrong, anyway, and if a few million here and there do die because the communi- cations break down or there is a temporary lag in food production--well, it will be their own fault for enjoying it too freely and expanding at a slightly faster rate than expected. I see that according to one recent survey (not quoted by Mr. Hollis) the Indians are likely to receive this very just punish- ment in the next decade or so. The threat of starva- tion will be an extremely beneficial incentive to agricultural progress to the undernourished two- thirds of the world.

Moreover. there is the additional advantage that while the Protestants and other silly-billies with social consciences and hire-purchase problems are stuffing themselves with pills--and keeping their families down to a miserly :three children or so—the Catholics will multiply on and on and on. It will certainly settle the Ulster problem.-- -Yours faith- fully,

Mottinghain Lane. SE9