22 APRIL 2006, Page 28

Our BNP is the IRA

From Charles Thompson

Sir: Once again the mainstream political and media establishment gets an attack of the vapours at the prospect of the BNP gaining a few council votes (‘The voters Blair neglected’, 15 April). I would think more highly of this concern if such lofty standards were equally applied across the UK political spectrum.

At every step of the way, Northern Ireland’s law-abiding citizens have been lied to and coerced — physically and politically — to accept and embrace a party which has openly advocated, and whose leaders are personally complicit in, large-scale murder and destruction for political ends over the past 35 years.

Our last minister of education was a terrorist godfather, and Blair, supported by a supine media, thought that a great idea. In contrast, the BNP and its leaders have never terrorised anybody.

If you really wish to be nauseated by criminals masquerading as politicians, come and live in Northern Ireland, where IRA fascists — and no one else — pull puppet Blair’s strings and he daily hands them all they want and more.

Charles Thompson
