22 AUGUST 1829, Page 1

Mr. Russell, in his ingenious Tour through Germany, was, we

be- lieve, the first who from the evidence of facts demonstrated the ill- founded nature of the bitter attacks on the King.of Prussia, in which r the politicaljournals for several years subsevent te the peace in consequence of the alleged breach of his promise to grant a consti- tution to his subjects. We have this week seen a gentleman of high in- telligence and just reputation in letters, who returned from Berlin but the other day, and we have his authority for saying that the political improvements noticed by Mr. Russell have been carried forward in the most satisfactory and beneficial manner. Were any additional proof wanting that Prussia is beginning to assume a conspicuous place among the free nations of Europe, it would be supplied by the following notice, which we have great pleasure in transcribing. "BERLIN, August 11.—In accordance with the earlier measures of the Government, having for object to accustom the people to take 'more part in public affairs, a Cabinet order has been issued some time since, granting per- mission to all towns having a population of ten thousand souls, and to several church communities, to call public meetings of their citizens or members, to take counsel upon their public interests, and to publish their resolutions in the journals, or from the pulpit."