22 AUGUST 1829, Page 4


SATURDAY, Two o'CLoCit. There is no regular arrival this day from Paris, but private letters have been received in the City by express, of Thursday's date. Ac- counts had arrived at Paris from Vienna of the 10th instant, an- nouncing the intention of the Russians to march direct to Constan- tinople; which they were not, however, to enter, until the offers of peace that were made after the defeat of the Grand Vizier should have been repeated and rejected. This account is different from one from Berlin, in which it is stated that the Russian army would take posses- sion of Adrianople, which is ill fortified, and from that city dictate terms to the Sultan. Accounts from Rio de Janeiro of the 25th ult. state, that the Mar- quis de St. Joao was to be sent immediately abroad on a mission of great importance. The place of his destination was not mentioned, but it was supposed to be England.