22 AUGUST 1835, Page 2

The news from Spain is much of the usual complexion.

Dis- turbances in Arragon, of a very serious nature, form the burden of the week's rumours ; but there is no authentic intelligenceas to their immediate cause or extent. Some Paris papers assert that the populace have been excited against the Government by French Republican emissaries. In Barcelona all is again quiet.

Colonel Wysne has been despatched by Lord PALMERSTON to the quarters of Don CARLOS. His mission was connected with the sanguinary decree of ordering all foreigners in the Queen's service to be shot immediately, on being taken with arms in their hands. The Colonel was accompanied by Mr. HARVEY, Consul at Bayonne. They were received insolently by Don CARLOS, who would not listen to their remonstrances. Six French- men and a Pole, partisans of CARLOS, having fallen into the hands of the Queen's commanding officer at Santander, underwent a mock trial, and were shot. The same fate, it is said, befel three Englishmen, who were decoyed from Santander into the hands of the Carlists. So much for the ELLIOT Convention!

One of the reports prevalent at the head-quarters of Don CARLOS iS, that Z UMALAC ARREGUY was poisoned by the notorious MORENO.