22 AUGUST 1868, Page 15



SIR,—On my arrival in Paris last week I was told that the Medical

School of the University of Paris was at length actually open to women, and that one American lady had already passed her first examination for the degree of Doctor of Medicine. Estimating

very highly the importance and significance of such an event, I not only took pains to ascertain the authenticity of the informa- tion, but applied to the Minister of Public Instruction for official confirmation of it, and in reply received the very satisfactory letter of which I enclose a copy, believing that it will be of great interest to many of your readers.—I am, Sir, &c., SOHPIA JEX-BLAKE.

"Paris, le 18 Aotit, 1868, Ministi•re de I 'Instruction publigue.

"MADEMOISELLE,—En reponse it la lettre quo vous me faites l'honneur de m'addresser, en vous recommendant du nom de Lord Lyons, qui a emit pour vous a Mons. in Ministro, Jo m'empresse de vous fairo savoir quo Is Ministre oat dispose a vous auteriser, aussi qua les autres dames Anglaises qui se dostineraient it la intidecino, a fake TOB etudes a la faculte de Paris, ot a y subir des examens.

' "II cot bion entendu quit vous devoz etre munio, par yob) d'equivalence on autrement, des diplemes exiges pour rinscription it is faculte de medecine.

"Agreez, Mademoiselle, l'assurance de mon respect.

"Mademoiselle JEX-BLANE."