22 AUGUST 1885, Page 2

Lord Carnarvon has been starring it in Galway with great

temporary success. He is pleased with everybody, and every- body was at first pleased with him ; but now there is a change, and the Parnellites are issuing orders to require deeds from his Excellency, and not to let smooth words suffice. At Clifden, on Wednesday, he assured the people of Connemara that if all wilds were like their wilds, he should like to live in the wilds all his life, and bade them be sure that his kind feelings to them were " in the opposite proportion to the length of his speech." But at Westport, on Thursday, there was division and a meeting of protest. The test of action, however, has not yet been applied. If Galway finds that the Viceroy can do nothing towards making her port great, and Limerick finds that he cannot remit the extra police rate, and the Parnellites find that he cannot let off the convicts whom they declare to be innocent, the effect of the soft words will evaporate like dew before the sun.