22 AUGUST 1896, Page 1


THE situation in Crete is as bad as ever. The Sultan is playing his usual game of dilatory negotiation, promising vague reforms and doing nothing, and while the Kings of Europe wrangle and debate, the (Cretan) Greeks suffer. Their patience, however, is getting exhausted, and it is said that the younger men in the insurgent army are clamouring for a declaration of independence on Sunday,—unless the concessions demanded have been previously made by the Porte. Meantime help pours in from Greece, in spite of the efforts of the Greek Government. On Thursday, for example, it was reported that two thousand armed Greeks with guns and a large supply of cartridges had landed. The most hope- ful piece of news is that the Palace is getting seriously alarmed at the financial situation caused by the expenses incurred in Crete. In all probability the end of Turkey will be due to a financial collapse.