22 AUGUST 1908, Page 23

Men - of - War Names. By Vice-Admiral Prince Louis of Batten- berg. (C.

Stanford. 7s. 6d.)—A " second edition revised and augmented."—The Story of the Australian Bushrangers. By George C. Boren. (T. Fisher Unwin. 5s. net.)—Fore's Book of Martyrs. By W. Grenton Berry, M.A. (R.T.S. 2s.)—This "popular edition" gives us, so to speak, an almost infinitesimal portion of the original work. This is in eight closely printed octavo volumes of the largest size, as it appears in Cattley's edition, and contains about seven thousand pages, or between five and six million words. Tho volume before us contains just over four hundred small octavo pages. We do not deny its usefulness; but it is too much when the editor says that he has included everything in the Book of Martyrs that most obviously makes for edification. There is not a word about Anne Askew, the St. Perpetua of the English Reformation. Her story, told by herself, is one of the most interesting records in the world.