22 AUGUST 1914, Page 13


SIR, —I read your article on Town Guards (Spectator, August 15th) with great interest, but cannot understand why you ignore Class III. of the National Reserve so completely. The duties you assign to the Town Guards are identically the same as those which Class IIL of the National Reserve are holding themselves in readiness to perform. In my opinion, a Town Guard should be raised solely with the purpose of assisting the National Reserve, and, in every town or village possessing a National Reserve company, the officer commanding that company should be appointed Captain of the Town Guard.—I am, Sir, &c., AN OLD SOLDIER AND A NATIONAL RESERVIST.

[Is it likely that we should ignore any part of the National Reserve P They are already organized, and we trust and believe that the War Office will soon allot to them appro- priate duties.—En. Spectator.]