22 AUGUST 1914, Page 17


[To THE EDITOR O'' THE "SPECTATOR."] you kindly publish another protest to the one you so generously publirhed last week against what appeared to be a very ungenerous attack in your article, " Keep Your Temper," and classifying all pacifists as fools, cowards, and knaves ? The thousands of pacifists, as well as that greatly respected body known as the Society of Friends (to which I do not belong), whom I have met and associated with for many years past, would not come under any of the heads in which your article grouped them, but are high-thinking, well-mean- ing, intellectual men and women, whose method has been to educate and influence others, and whose aim has been towards the commendable object of bringing about nn.iversal peace among nations. It may be that this high aim is to be now brought about by the clash of arms. The present stupendous effort of modern militarism has to prove this. We shall see. The result, if it is to be of permanent value, will only, I think' be maintained by the continued effort in both method and aim of those pacifists I have described, and among whom I should