22 AUGUST 1914, Page 2

There is no news from our North Sea Fleet, and

that is good news. Will the German Fleet come out ? It is to be greatly hoped that it may, and with transports behind it intended to raid our shores, for if that enterprise were to fail, as it almost certainly would, the effect on the war as a whole would be very great. Once put the German Fleet out of existence, and the Russians, with our help, or even without it, could very greatly increase the pace of their advance by using the sea. But, unfortunately, the Germans realize this thoroughly, and therefore we agree with the Naval Corre- spondent of the Times, who, writing on Friday, points out that the Germans will keep their Fleet " in being," and not riak its destruction. While it is in being a Russian advance by way of the sea cannot take place. To sum np, we must be patient in regard to the naval situation—as patient as our grandfathers were when Villeneuve's fleet was in being in the months before Trafalgar. And theirs, remember, was a much harder burden.