22 AUGUST 1925, Page 14


[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] SIR,—Possibly it may be of interest to you to hear that a Home, for this class of patient, was opened in Liverpool early this year. I enclose one of the circulars giving particulars and should be glad to give any further information, if it would be of interest. We have 30 beds in the Home and have received many letters of appreciation from patients treated; there. The terms are so moderate that it is doubtful whether, the income from patients will meet the expenditure. We have an endowment fund of about £20,000, which will be a- great assistance. We have, at present, an average of about 15' patients and feel that when the advantages of the Home are better known there will be a larger demand.

The Home was never intended to be run for profit but simply in the hope that it would meet the needs of a class of the community for whom little or nothing has been done. This letter is not written for publication, but if you consider the scheme and information of any use to others you are quite free to use it as you consider best.—I am, Sir, &c., Eaton Road, West Derby, Liverpool.