22 AUGUST 1941, Page 4

The decision of the War Office to give instruction to

troops in " Current Affairs " is admirable—so admirable no possible effort to make it a success should be omitted. is no doubt a good deal to be said for the arrangement whet the information is to imparted by regimental officers. But the average regimental officer really qualified for the task? think in four cases out of five he would protest that he is It is quite true that he is to be briefed through bulletins iss by the War Office. But a talk from a brief is not the u2 inspiring thing in the world, and if, as should and apparen will be the case, there are to be questions and discussion, is easy 'to see the regimental officer being badly floored questioners in the ranks. Is that good for prestige and cipline? The " outside expert " has many failings, but in districts where troops are stationed civilians with wide kno ledge of world-affairs are available. It seems a pity not rope them in. Perhaps that will be done in the end after so experience of the working of the other method. * * * *