22 AUGUST 1947, Page 17

In My Garden There is little doubt that the earlier

strawberries are planted out the bettor ; that August is better than September, though the ideal date is still disputed. After a period of obvious degeneration, the plant has now pretty well recovered, and the newer " Cambridge Varieties," all neatly numbered according to their several qualities, represent a real advance, though " Royal Sovereign " remains good enough for most of us. All the berries are better than they were: raspberry, as advanced in Surrey, the blackberry, now both gigantic and, if desired, thornless ; and the great popularity of Lancashire Lad in gooseberries indicates its value. However, the struggle has to be maintained : even " Lloyd George " and " Baldwin " may degenerate, and be forced to give place to a new creation. For this reason, too, we cannot go on indefinitely saving our own sex!. After some years it will go back on us, and we must resort to those whose business it is not only to prevent degeneration but to improve