22 AUGUST 1958, Page 26


_ Solution on September 5


1 What Mother Hubbard's dog obviously couldn't do? (6-4)

6 'Love virtue, she alone is ' (Milton) (4) 10 Softly the diva's about. How dull! (5) 11 Extremely illuminating but having little weight finally (4-5)

12 An action that could be severe— and censorious? (8) 13 They are the subject of minute recordings (6) 15 Source of northern lights? (4) 16 In the grip of evil (4) 17 Do try a little! (5) 20 It is to be seen in Samoa's island beauties (5) 21 The schoolboy thought his guests were au pair 00

22 Get backward little ones on the rebound (4) 24 Forceful gardener's hat? (6) 26 Gets a wound within in battle (8)

29 A plot seen when the little creature bolts (9) 30 'To what green —, 0 mysterious priest' (Keats) (5) 31 It might be hard to make this change (4) 32 Sister's imprisoned but dogged (10)


1 Equal rise and fall of the muni- cipality.(5)

2 The objects of their attentions are always in the red! (9) 3 Denial? Press for it (6) i

4 Sorrows mobilised as n Hamlet (10) 5 Not, says Jock, if I would be simple (4)

7 The woman of wrath? (5)

8 More than usually green to one who looks outside (9) 9 Contentions about the pound indicate swift departures (7) 14 Trust me as a reformed feature? It's all my foot! (10) A first prize of a copy of Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary and a second prize of a book token for one guinea will be awarded to the senders of the first two correct solutions opened on Sept. 2. Address solutions: Crossword No. 1,006, 99 Gower St., London, WC1.

Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary is recommended for Crosswords.

15 21 had to know a bit of this to make it (9)

18 It's not really material to the pigeon-fancier (9) 19 A stop must be put to a rising afterthought; it's blackt (7)

23 The saint's halo's inclined to go askew (6) 25 What's the subject? It's all my eye! (5) 27 Walk with a support (5)

28 Work that is associated with canvas (4)

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