22 AUGUST 1998, Page 45

High life

Where is our conscience?


IGstaad will leave it to better and more serious writers than myself to comment at length about the Omagh bombing outrage. But I will ask a few extremely simple questions. a) If Gerry Adams is truthful in denounc- ing the horror, why isn't he passing on the relevant info to the authorities? If Gerry Adams doesn't know who planted the bomb, I'm Hillary Clinton. b) When Sinn Fein signed the Mitchell Principles, why didn't Mo Mowlam ask for at least an ounce of Semtex to be handed over in return? c) Mowlam was so weak when she agreed to release IRA murderers, is it a wonder a bomb to end all bombs was in the making? d) Having failed to insist on the decommissioning of weapons and having calmed our fears, can Tony Blair and Mo Mowlam have any credibility left after last week? e) How many times have politicians assured the people that the perpetrators of such outrages will never rest easy, and have gone on to appease them instead? f) Final- ly, doesn't Blair's promise to bring these `What's this week's "scare"?' subhumans to justice remind you of Clin- ton's promises to end ethnic cleansing in Yugoslavia?

And speaking of Kosovo — and I do have the plight of the bereaved of Omagh in mind — where is the conscience of Europe and the United States? As I write, there is a daily Omagh taking place in Kosovo, and officials of the Red Cross, which helps oversee the Geneva Conven- tion's protection of civilians, is debating whether Slob Milosevic is violating the con- vention? Is this real, or is it a Salvador Dali dream sequence while high on angel dust?

Milosevic the son-of-a-bitch is trying to cleanse 2 million ethnic Albanians from Kosovo, while Bill Clinton is trying to min- imise his bullshitting about the intern. And where are the Germans? Busy trying to get elected. And the French? Busy trying to excuse Clinton's behaviour because they are as crooked as he is. Thousands of civil- ians, overwhelmingly women and children and the elderly, are being forced by gunfire to flee their homes, and the rest of us are busy spinning whatever bee we have in our bonnets this August. The ludicrous Madeleine Albright pledges no surrender to the bombing of the American embassies in Kenya and Tanzania, and the next thing she does is order the evacuation of Ameri- can diplomats from places like Pakistan.

Are American diplomats, with their free- bies and privileges, a more endangered, therefore to be protected, species than Albanian women, children and the old who cannot protect themselves? In the Clinton era, of course they are. A couple of months ago, I wrote about how politicians think very little of us folk. They pay lip service just before an election, then laugh all the way to Parliament or Congress wondering how we could be so dumb to fall for their bullshit each and every time.

Last week, the ludicrous John Gummer wrote a letter to the Daily Telegraph warn- ing William Hague to cool it as far as the single currency is concerned. Fat Ken Clarke also piled in. Yet 46 per cent of Britain's population wants out from the EU altogether, not to mention the single currency. My guess is that 75 per cent of the British people wish to keep the pound, yet the swine who are in power via the bal- lot box are giving the people Liam Gal- lagher's favourite gesture. What the hell is going on?

Easy. Democracy simply doesn't work. Those who govern us placate looters, arsonists and criminals. They are busy defending pornography, applying strictures on public prayer, defending teenage preg- nancies and being soft on drugs. In Ameri- ca it's even worse. The media encourage identity politics, anti-military sentiments, quotas, sex wars, incivility and black power. A congenital liar and flim-flam man pre- sides over a populace which has lost the meaning of morality and standards. I pre- dict that Clinton's approval ratings will shoot up following his press conference. Incidentally, the only foot he put wrong during that televised farce was when he used the same pursed mea culpa look while emphasising, 'I did not ask anyone to lie ..' It was exactly the same look of seven months ago when he said, 'I never had sex- ual relations with that woman .

Let's face it. The world has become a bad joke. The bad guys get away with their crimes just as the politicians get away with their lies. Snipers are firing on civilians attempting to harvest their crops in Koso- vo, and the White House is busy spinning the Draft Dodger's lies. Blair is also busy — trying to spin the mistakes, however honest, of which he and Mowlam are guilty.