22 DECEMBER 1832, Page 9


WHITEHALL, Dec. 16, 1n2.--His Majesty has been pleased to direct Letters Patenr to be issued under the Great Seal of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland,. COCIrellitIg, the honour of Knighthood upon JOIN Nicor.t. RosEirr CAIMPHELT., Esq.. Captain in the East India Company's Service, and Envoy from the Governor-Oeuerat,

of India,at the Court of Persia.. .

Knighthood is generally e.oriferred by Letters Patent when the individnaL, is abroad, and is 'consequently- unable to attend the Sovereign to receive the honour in the usual manner. The expense, in fees, is about 501. or 601. greater by Letters Patent but it' may be hoped 'that these taxes upon the bouuty'rof the Crown will speedily be abraished.altogstber.

It is somewhat remarkable,' that a person. should he styled, in an offiriaB

document, "Envoy from the. Governor-Gerval of India that desiomatibm, being usually confined to individuals acting immediately- under the Royal Com—:- mission. Fine names fur-common employments is one characteristic of the age. If the bearer of the Governor-General's despatches is to be called his,." Envt.y,"; we shall soon have "Envoys from, the Gm'ernor-General of Ireland;" the Captain of the Navy who is sent by the Cemmander ia Chief in theMediter- , ranean to remonstrate with the Dey of Algiers; or time Bey Of Tunis; will call ' himself .an "Envoy';" and as soon as the. 'title beet:Mies- recbgaiiant on the precedent in this Gazette, claims will pour in for the pay as well as the title of Exvors ! It was once said to a herald, "Sir, 'you do not untlersffind your Own silly business :".the Saying- might be applied to those who prepare these notifita--. tions for the Gazette.