22 DECEMBER 1832, Page 9

.QUEEN'S COUNTY.—Sii Henry Parnell has resigned, in consequence

• of- the opposition 'got up against him by :O'Connell on the Repeal ,question.. Sir Henry,is one of the honestest, and by a long way the bistsinfOrmed and most useful men that Ireland has •sent over for many years. His rejection reflects deep disgrace on the Liberator. That gentleman will have a sort Of Falstaff's regiment; we suspect: We have seen a calculation, which goes, to prove that 'the entire band of &peelers are not worth 101. dear income, apiece. They have estates, it is true ; only they are portgaged, the, greater part,.for twice their value. , Pretty riptcr*Is out of which to, fabiicate iroPpensletrt,iegis,