22 DECEMBER 1855, Page 17


" IL correspondent, who forgets to sign his communication, addresses the following note to the Editor.

"In page 1289 of the Spectator of the 15th instant, it is said,.. that Mr. Justice Willa recapitulated the evidence on the trial of Joseph S. Wooler, and concluded with this remark—' I may observe, that, if I were to make, a-surmise, there is a person upon Whom my fancy would rest rather than

upon the prisoner. 'If it is a merit in a Judge spargere voces in vulguns ambiguas,' Mr. Justice. Wales is not the Judge who can claim the honour of the above re- mark." [No the Judge to whom the remark was ascribed' in last week's report was BarOtt Martin : but it has been explained that he did net make tiny such remark as that given by the reporter. -What he did say was, that has fancy would have rested on any. other person ,rather than on Mr. Woofer. The same erroneous substitution of " Wines" for "Martin" ocoursed loom of the Notes and Queries at page 1299 in our last number. . It is evident that the writer had been thinking more of the subject than of the person.--:En.]