22 DECEMBER 1866, Page 1

Our New York Correspondent demonstrated last week, to his own

complete satisfaction, that the dread of any contact between the white and black races is strong at the North in exact propor- tion to the danger of such contact, illustrating his point by the greater reluctance that exists in Philadelphia than in New York to the admission of negroes into the same street cars with the whites. By the Atlantic Telegraph of Monday we learn that on the very Saturday on which this letter appeared, Congress had granted the suffrage to the negroes of the District of Columbia,—that is, had intended to associate, and, unless the President should veto the Bill, had associated the negroes with the whites in the political duties of that district. Washington has not a smaller negro population in proportion than Philadelphia, and at all events the danger of contact there must now be a certainty. We do not dispute our correspondent's estimate of the degree of aversion felt. The " logic of events " is sometimes, however, revolutionary enough to defy, and ultimately to overcome, such aversions.